Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Two a Day Tuesday and Target Practice

Getting back into blogging is a little like getting back into your gym routine or healthy eating habits. It takes a while to get in the habit, and its so incredibly easy to fall out of. I will never cease to be amazed by how one missed gym date begs to turn into another, and how I have to smack it down soon, knowing that the more you give into the begging, the louder and more whiny it is the next day.

I've adopted a philosophy that I used in law school- you have to stay up on your plan because if you fall behind, you'll never catch up. If I miss a workout I planned, I don't stress about trying to make it up anymore; I just go at the next scheduled time. Maybe this is what everyone has been doing and I'm just now finding out about it, but it sure does help me keep it all in balance.

This week I decided to come back with a Target Practice to refocus my efforts. I'm still working on my goal to run a 5K, but after the challenge in December became out of reach (maybe more on that later, maybe not), I need something to sort of jump start my giddy-up train.

Target Practice

Health: I went to a nutritionist about two weeks ago who told me I should be eating about 300 calories more a day than what I was shooting for and to NOT eat markedly differently on days I worked out vs. days I didn't, a la MyFitnessPal. Although a helpful tool for calorie counting, she really explained why I would need to intake more so my body wasn't going into starvation mode. This was a concept I was familiar with, but assumed my intake was fine and no where near that level. Guess that is why she gets paid the big bucks. This week I'm going to focus on taking her lessons and putting them into action, namely, focusing on healthy dinners. Dinners I find a lot more difficult to control because we are always out and about or get back from the gym later than planned but I need to commit to eating in more if I want to see the results!

Fitness: Buy running shoes. My lovely Brooks were great for Dance Trance (which I miss terribly) but do nothing to support my ankle, even on the shorter runs. If I really want to start running regularly, regardless of my attempts to underscore myself as a "runner" because I don't do long distance runs, I need to get better shoes. 

Life: Incorporate some relaxation. Wedding venue shopping has been stressful yall. Oh, did I mention I got engaged? While I've hired a venue coordinator, sometimes her bluntness of "you don't have enough money to get married in Raleigh, or really married period" has been tough to take. Okay okay, slight exaggeration on my part, but we haven't gotten much great news yet, though I feel like its about to turn a corner! I need to remember to prioritize the things that help me relax: yoga, reading in Chair (Chair needs a better name), walking Roxie, and the afterglow of a bad ass two-a-day. This weekend is pretty open right now, so I'm hoping to keep it that way and work in some relaxing around inevitable wedding planning.

Any suggestions for a name?

Workout Schedule for this week:

Sun: Yoga
Mon: Long walk with pup! 
Tues: Chest and Tri AM, Interval Run PM
Wed: Legs and Abs AM
Thurs: Interval Run AM
Fri: Back and Bi PM
Sat: Endurance Run

Dishes for the week:

Leftover Turkey, Beef, and Black Bean Chili
Gingery Red Lentils (Courtesy of Eat Live Run)

Slow Cooker Pumpkin Chicken Chili (Courtesy of Get Crocked! SN: This is a fantastic website for slow cooker recipes, and healthy ones at that!)

Alright all. Happy New Years Resolutioning! 

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