Wednesday, October 2, 2013

NYE Challenge with a V Day Reward

Hi all! 

So I don't have much time to blog prior to my AM BC, so forgive me for skipping over the formal introductions. I'll come back and bore you with the "how I got here" later. All we need to focus on now is that I'm here, and I've made a decision not to be any more.

Basically, my live in boyfriend and I both struggle with our weight, despite thinking about it constantly and me planning out meals and calorie counting etc. BF has had a lot of success with Atkins, which drives me bonkers. After many starts and restarts, fastforward to today.

Today BF starts Atkins, but I convinced him to do a bigger challenge with me. 

Enter #NYEDrop20.

Ok 21.6 to be exact, but it doesn't have quite the same ring.

If I make my weight goal, and BF makes his, we are going to go to Savannah for Valentines day!

I also need to set smaller goals and rewards along the way. Our first goal mark is two weeks from today and the reward will be buying season 2 of Homeland. We kept arguing about whether the goal should be input based (10 workouts in 14 days) or output based (lose 5 pounds) so I think we are going to do both. I think that it should be based on what you can control (input) because you want to reward your efforts- also I'm nervous because I'm not at all confident that in two weeks even if I did everything right would happen! I rarely see any significant rewards from my efforts, so its hard to believe it can actually happen. Any thoughts? 

My two week mark will be 10 workouts in 14 days and 4 pounds. If we both get both of our goals = Homeland. If I get both of mine = new gym duffel. Any suggestions on if I just get one, or on the input vs. output?

A previous journal I kept had me at about the same weight in December as I am now. Hopefully that should serve as some motivation right?

Talk soon, and will make a workout schedule for the rest of the week later on today.

Love, B

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I am always in favor of setting goals and matching rewards to inputs! That's all that's really ever in your control. What if you had the Best Week Ever and then because of hormones/water retention/whatever you miss your mark by a half pound? You'll end up focusing on what you *didn't* achieve instead of celebrating what you did.

    Hope to read about your trip to Savannah in a few months!
